Pop Chinn Stew. That's what Ken called his circumstantial evidence case he tried in 1983 as a young Deputy DA. I listened as he painted a wonderful word picture of his father putting together various ingredients to make a delicious pot of stew. It's been 30 years but that image of his father making the stew hasn't left my mind. In honor of Ken's dad, Vernon Chinn, we want to make some Chinn Stew of our own. Stop by from time to time and enjoy some Chinn Stew as we share some of our family happenings.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Trouble Brewing!

This is probably not the appropriate forum for airing marital problems, but Susan is upset with her husband.  It seems I weighted myself the other day and discovered that I have lost at least 20 pounds since we arrived in Korea.  The doctor informs me that my blood sugar level is now normal (I was pre-diabetic) and my bad cholesterol level is now normal as well.  As Susan pointed out, while she has been exercising with vigorous walks for miles each day through the forest, I've strolled the 5 minute walk to my office each day.  Susan eats tofu and salad while I eat whatever looks good with no concern for caloric intake.  Needless to say, Susan has not seen the same improvement and finds some unfairness in her lack of results compared to my apparent success.
I am at a loss to explain this sudden improvement in my health.  I can only surmise that somehow Korea has mysteriously improved my eating habits.  As I look back at the changes, I do know that I eat far less bread (primarily because Susan does most of the shopping  and largely limits her purchases to sliced bread for the kids.)   We certainly don't eat as much red meat as we did in the states since steaks are close to $17.00 a pound at Costco.  Still, I have not felt particularly deprived at mealtime.  Despite our presence in Korea, our diet is largely Western.  Today I barbecued chicken for lunch.  Tonight we had spaghetti with meat sauce (Susan had tofu).
When we head back to the states in about 4 weeks, our first stop will be at In N Out Burger.  I'll get the double double, and Susan will undoubtedly order her's protein style.  As we are so often reminded, life sometimes is simply unfair. 

1 comment:

  1. Finally get caught up on reading some older posts. This is hilarious. Tell her to stop eating tofu!
