Pop Chinn Stew. That's what Ken called his circumstantial evidence case he tried in 1983 as a young Deputy DA. I listened as he painted a wonderful word picture of his father putting together various ingredients to make a delicious pot of stew. It's been 30 years but that image of his father making the stew hasn't left my mind. In honor of Ken's dad, Vernon Chinn, we want to make some Chinn Stew of our own. Stop by from time to time and enjoy some Chinn Stew as we share some of our family happenings.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

15 Minutes of Fame

Many have probably noticed the recent controversy in the news resulting from an allegation that a spokesperson for President Park committed a sexual assault on a Korean American intern during their presidential visit to the US last week.  This is extremely embarrassing to Korea and has dominated the news in recent days.  Much to my surprise, HILS was contacted by the largest national news broadcaster in Korea (KBS) asking for a professor to comment on U.S. law and procedures.  I was asked to help out and found myself being taped yesterday afternoon for inclusion in last night's evening broadcast.  I was a bit nervous that cutting and splicing might distort my comments, but was relieved to find I was edited down to about 5 seconds of air time with a brief quote during their 10 minutes they devoted to the story at the top of the broadcast.  Below is a still picture of me from last evenings broadcast.
In an additional surprise the law school was also contacted by an English radio station in Seoul asking for a professor to be interviewed on this morning's live talk radio program.  I was surprised to learn that this was the station that Elysabeth worked for last year and they remembered her.  Small world!  I was on the air for about 5 minutes and managed to meet my self imposed standard of trying not to say anything stupid.  Actually it was a fun experience.  Who would imagine our visit to Korea would involve opportunities to be part of news events on topics of U.S. law?
Your Korean correspondent


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