Pop Chinn Stew. That's what Ken called his circumstantial evidence case he tried in 1983 as a young Deputy DA. I listened as he painted a wonderful word picture of his father putting together various ingredients to make a delicious pot of stew. It's been 30 years but that image of his father making the stew hasn't left my mind. In honor of Ken's dad, Vernon Chinn, we want to make some Chinn Stew of our own. Stop by from time to time and enjoy some Chinn Stew as we share some of our family happenings.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

"Camping Korean Style" pictures

HIC Youth Camp.  We took a few pictures of the beautiful Fall colors while the cars were being loaded with camp gear.  Our apartment is the second row from top, far right.

When are we going to leave?

Homigot, "The Village on the Tiger's Tail" (reference picture below). We all just call it "The Hand".

New Millenium Memorial Hall

Sun god, Yeonrang and his lover, Se o nyeo.

Lighthouse museum

A quick lunch under a cover before heading to the camp ground.

Setting up our tents while the wind blooowwwwwsss!

Our kitchen area

Nice job David!

I wish we had pictures of the beautiful weather on Day 2.  The sun was out, the sky was blue, the ocean sparkled and the kids had a blast!

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