Pop Chinn Stew. That's what Ken called his circumstantial evidence case he tried in 1983 as a young Deputy DA. I listened as he painted a wonderful word picture of his father putting together various ingredients to make a delicious pot of stew. It's been 30 years but that image of his father making the stew hasn't left my mind. In honor of Ken's dad, Vernon Chinn, we want to make some Chinn Stew of our own. Stop by from time to time and enjoy some Chinn Stew as we share some of our family happenings.

Friday, January 30, 2015

New York!

Mom went to New York and became a grandma.  Welcome Little Coco.

Aunt Mary joined the party.

Grandma getting some Coco time

Dad's in love!

Mama too!

All tucked in . . . on the subway.

Beautiful Central Park

There were beautiful Brownstones everywhere.  We wanted desperately to peek in some of them.

Beautiful churches too . . .

The Brooklyn Bridge, night and day views.

The Statue of Liberty on Ellis Island.

Chelsea Market

The new World Trade Center near the 9-11 Memorial.

The Met!

Aunt Mary and grandma doing some sightseeing.

Shake Shack.  The burgers are almost as good as In and Out but the shakes were out of this world.  Yummy!

Highline Park.  They renovated old railroad tracks and stations into a beautiful park and walkway.

At the Rockefeller Center

Outdoor ice skating rink at the Rockefeller Center

Fifth Avenue.
The vendors on Fifth Avenue dress up their windows during the holidays.

Visiting grandpa.
Aunt Mary on the subway, on the way to see a Broadway show.  Grandpa Ratto treated grandma and Aunt Mary to a wonderful dinner out and then to a Broadway musical.
Time Square